Thursday, April 21, 2011

What a dollar can do!

Cantoncat, a web-cam viewer, told us a great story last night. She got a ONE dollar refund from her state taxes and decided to buy a lottery ticket with it. She WON!! With the winnings, she used it all to purchase cat food for the Rescue Center. Thanks to the state of Massachusetts for Canton's big win of $200! We will be opening these boxes and any other boxes that may arrive this evening, somewhere between 6-6:30 est. Thanks Canton for sharing your winnings with the kitties--they love having full tummies! Asha has found her purr and uses it well! What a joy to listen to her. She now enjoys being petted and made a fuss over. We continue to move her about the rescue center so she explores her home. Thanks again to her mama cgr to arranging her rescue. I walked into June's Room this morning and 4 of Raza's 6 kittens came running (well, actually wobbling) up to me--they've now found what their legs are for! The volunteers are enjoying their goodies given by Amber & kids. Kiara caught 9 syringes in a row yesterday--she's a pro. Bella cleaned out 3 baby food jars--didn't need a bit of help. We have Earth Angels clinic again today with another full schedule. One of the volunteers picked up a load of fresh warm laundry yesterday from the table, and found Zander in the middle of it! Please keep voting-we appreciate your support.


Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank all the people that donated to help pay  the expenses for my next couple of trips to the rescue center. As most of you know, I live about 4 hours away from the rescue center. It can get to be rather expensive to travel there and back (especially lately, thanks to the rising gas prices), which is why I only get to visit every few months. With the web-cam nearly ready for installation and the fundraiser coming up in June, I will be making 2 trips in a relatively short period of time, so the money donated is greatly appreciated. Thank you to:

Linda (LindainKansas65)
Elke (gabbylove)
Sherry (sweetpea102)
Mary (mamie4)
DeEtte (raedp)
Anne (kittykam)
Jodi (jodileek)
Connie (SkyGazer_Gracy)
Sarah (SarahEO)
Laurie (felinetoyz)
Stacy (My_lil_lady)
Connie (connied21)
Jenn (Bantryhill)
Beth (luvmykat)
Andrea (AndreaInIowa)
Gloria & James (felixkatz)
Nancy (peekabookitty)
Linda (clemmm)
Jacci (jaccim)

I have just put the first coat of poly acrylic on the web-cam mount this morning (pics of the mount and new cam can be found here ) so I will be on my way to install it sometime late next week. 


Missa, Octavias partner in crime.

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