Meet and Greet, Food Drive and Garage Sale!
What a busy Saturday we're planning. It's our monthly Meet & Greet Day. There will be lots of dogs from A Labor of Love Dog Rescue to visit. The Rescue Center is of course open to visitors too! In addition we're asking for help to restock our food pantries for both organizations. Dog/cat canned food is very welcome. Also we will be having a Garage Sale, held inside Kitty City--lots of items. This event is from 9am to 1 pm. If you're interested in a dog or cat or want to bring a donation or would like to check out the Garage Sale, please come! We had BOXES arrive yesterday! The support you give is so very very welcome. Angelkitty3 donated Clorox Wipes and KMR Powder. E & W Quayside donated Beggin' Strips (for the dogs!), Thesixofus donated Friskies packets of food, Suzanne & Andrea in Cleveland donated 13 gallon trash bags, Whiskas Temptation treats & Jumbo Lint-rollers. Auntie Bantry donated yummy treats & toys for all, and treats for Putter's old hips! I can't express enough how grateful we are for the supplies. Thanks to Linda T. & Racer for making it possible to do the Amazon Associates & Google AdSense; these will certainly produce $$ for us monthly. Ziva's babies now have cat furniture in their room to climb on--they're little monkeys! Grommit's sutures will be removed Friday--his tail stub looks very good. Asha is getting braver about walking around a little bit more. It's official--the family that is fostering Albus has decided he's a keeper! Good for Albus! He's also getting his daily grooming done too. Tumble has a "new side" to him--his tummy! He's forever showing us his tummy for a long belly rub. PaddyCake is now the pro at the Cat-Go-Round wheel--he makes that thing zip and the whole time he is meowing! We still have quite a few T-shirts left. If you're interested, please let me know.
Don't forget, our Logo Contest is still open for submissions! You have until April 23rd. All the details and rules can be found by clicking "Logo Contest" on the nav bar above.
Pocus was 4 weeks old when she arrived, along with her Siamese siblings Mao, Malee and Mia. Pocus is black with a small white spot on her neck. Her birthday is 7/9/10. Sometimes I think she has wheels on her feet, they way she zips here and there playing all the time. Life sure is fun for her! She's a happy girl who likes to be petted and have neck rubs. We have a pink shag rug that Pocus loves to roll and roll on, it draws her like a magnet. She's also one of our desk buddies and loves to lay on the desk when we're working on the computer.
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