Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peace and Joy to you and your families, from the FFRC cats.

Friday was a fairly quiet day. The cats and kittens were concentrating on being good, as they heard that Santa Paws is visiting them today around 12:30. Oh, it's so hard to be good ALL of the time! Loyal is still in his pen with the door open. We've been lifting him out, holding him, then putting him on the cat stairs, but he immediately jumps right back in his pen. He'll circle around and lay down to watch over things. He seems relaxed, just not ready to come out yet. Sari was everywhere in the rescue center yesterday. So good to see her out cruising. Little Haskins is also out and about and possibly may have a hold on him already. Yesterday when I was petting Badu, I was looking around on the far side of the rescue center. There were 7 gold cats all close together, just napping away! I also saw Twinkle sleeping with her monkey again. We had the see-thru tunnel out last night. I counted 8 cats in there at one time. Peach and Preakness (both torties) were playing with a mylar ball together yesterday for at least 15 minutes--so sweet to see them sharing. Punkin is becoming another shoulder kitten.

We had BOXES last night! Thank you all for your support--this helps us tremendously.
Val & Lois S from WI: a letter/card from both, sardines, mixed candy for the volunteers,
paper towels and WI postcards
Janet B from FL:turbo track and cardboard scratchers for Kitty City (they will love this)
ZeldaLuna: 4 cans of fancy feast, catnip, very nice handmade mice, a beautiful black soft bed
MissLindaD (Alan & Sylvia from UK): card for Hannah, Christmas card for the center, 3
bags of cat treats and Q-tips.
Ryan & Patty: plates, clorox wipes, Dawn soap, Blankies

Spot (the cat)-- Christmas card to the kitties, Hannah card, Christmas card for the center
Janet B--Christmas card from Alley cat and her mama Jan
Midnight--postcard from Clearwater Beach, FL
Mary in PA--donation for medical costs
Chat lurker from Seattle WA--letter
Paul & Tyna--Christmas card (Paul is our handyman/farm guy)
Stacy141/Demude Family--Christmas card
Shazadoobie--Christmas song words. This was read to the webcam viewers--so funny, we
all enjoyed it!

We also had "the real story of the cam". Apparently the webcam was down the night before, but we were informed of what REALLY happened to the cam. Apparently it had something to do with Octavia, Hannah (yes, sweet Hannah), Sheriff Putter and Deputy Paddy.

Tonight we have another story to read: A message for Sheriff Putter. The subject: theft of property report Sounds like Sheriff Putter needs to get his whip out and make these
kitties behave! There's thievery among the cats!

Thank you all for your support. I wish you and your families a wonderful, blessed Christmas tomorrow. Enjoy your day, be thankful and rejoice in this special day. Thank you for being a part of our webcam family.

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