Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bella received some get well cards!

It's been 6 days now since Bella's surgery. Her incision site is looking perfect. She even scooted out the door yesterday before we realized it! She is now in June's Room with a very well padded floor to cushion her stump area. She has a little friend with her--Weasley. Weasley was an abandoned kitten found--he was so pitiful and would cry and cry. So..he now has a friend in Bella. She even grooms him. Good for both cats.Bella has been receiving get well cards. Imagine that! They are hung up in her room. Nova, Marja & Bettina are all 3 in a home together. The family had adopted 2 cats from us before. Both recently passed away due to "old age problems". They were ready to have cat friends again & asked me to deliver 2 cats of my choice. I "accidently" took 3. They were going to decide which 2 of the 3 they wanted to keep. A phone call late last night produced the desired results--they re keeping all 3!! This makes for a joyous day for us! All 3 are adjusting beautifully. We have a couple families that will be visiting soon in the hopes of finding their new cat family members. The first one is scheduled for Weds. morning. The beautiful slate grey cat, cj, is doing much better. She's eating better and loves to be petted. We took in a new little kitten yesterday--another solid light grey female. She arrived with a severely swollen front leg. At first, there was concern that it may be fractured. Today, with antibiotics and leg soaks, the swelling is almost gone. I don't believe it's fractured, but she has a very nasty large abrasion that is infected. What a sweetheart this kitten is. She must be very brave. Her name is Nuki. We have much to be grateful for in the way of receiving donations.
Mama3cat-lots of cases of fancy feast & whiska packs,
Carrie, Eric & Jim-a Bella bag, toys, stuffed monkey, silky pillowcases, treats, cans & packets
AnnaMarie7-Salmon treats, Hawaiian Tuna, baby food
Bearmn-KMR, greenies treats, pill pockets
SaraEO-4 cases of baby food for Bella & friends

Someone asked a good question. How are we funded? We do not receive any county, state or federal money. We have to raise it on our own. We had the Catathon this year which raised enough money to pay for our new addition. However, for our general fund we depend on donations, recycling money (about $720 yearly), Chief tapes (about $800 yearly) and adoption fees. Our adoption fee is only $90, but we have a minimum of $200-$250 in each and every cat. We have our calendar fundraiser which brings in approx. $5,000 yearly. We have also won money from The Animal Rescue Site which helps alot. The remainder is made up in donations by people like YOU. I am eternally grateful for the support shown to us. Whether it's in supplies, money or votes, it all helps us tremendously. Thank you.

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